The Self holds all time, all space. All manifestation spawns from a nothingness mixed with consciousness. The Self holds birth, life, death; creation, maintenance, collapse.
The Self’s shapeshifting can be external. We as humans are constantly adapting, collaborating, responding, negotiating. We experience birth, life, death, and sometimes we are given a second chance with a rebirth. We get a cut and we organically begin to transform with healing. We can change cars, clothes, hair, location, friendships, careers, hobbies, etc. When The Self’s changing happens internally it may look like running on a treadmill; we walk, we jog, we run. We set out with a purpose, we feel an inner burn of desire, we change our internal drive. We feel an energetic force and we choose to change. We can change our belief system, our opinion, our typical response to a situation. Sometimes it shows up as an inner drive toward a particular goal. When our own consciousness becomes the Self, the big "I," instead of the ego, the little "i," we move from the inside out. We see a dirty counter, we spray, we wipe, we notice the shiny glimmer. We typically know within what needs to be done to create the shiny clean counter. By listening within we can find the particular method, or spray to clean things up. It could look like acceptance, letting go, or transforming the situation. If we are conscious, we can see change coming, we prepare for the shift. Birth, Life, Death, and round and round it goes. I have seen the life/death cycle everywhere. The constant transformation of energy. Change. This is the word we love only when it is our choice. Yet, this is our only guarantee. Life is going to provide challenges for us to adapt, to overcome. We can lay in front of the TV, eat a bag of chips, have another drink, or we can see how to move forward through the situation, toward a change of the energy. How do we manage the changing transformations of The Self through life? We stay conscious. We see the car coming before the exhaust hits the nose. If we are conscious, we can see change coming, we prepare for the shift. We stay with The Self, the place within the heart that witnesses the coming and goings. The witness to The Self, is the equanimity of The Self. We stay constantly changing. The Self sees when change is coming because The Self is change. It is the same changed manifestation between me and you. And the same non-difference between me and internet, or the cleaning spray, or the treadmill. We don’t “usually” get a say in when change is going to happen, but if we stay with The Self, we are change itself. |
AuthorOn May 5, 2015, I awakened myself, the eternal life within me. This is bits and pieces of my journey. I promise to give the beautiful beyond words, the mistakes, and the humor. It is extremely hard work and breath taking-ly beautiful. |